
The Management Committee coordinates projects, selected on a priority basis, from the PJPA Concept Plan, and others as they arise.
Current projects are at various stages of development and include:

Eva Crescent plantings.
The reserve area of Eva Crescent has been replanted with shrubs and native grasses. Work continues to eradicate weeds in the area.

Erosion of the cliff face on Jetty Road. This has now reached a dangerous position and Council have agreed to conduct remedial works. The type of works has not been indicated yet, but may include restrictions to access to the beach during reconstruction works.

Green Waste Area.

The Green Waste drop-off on Moorara Way is CLOSED for the Fire Danger Season.


The PJPA Committee also manages a Recycling Storage Depot. Locals and visitors using the Reichenbach Bush Camp are encouraged to deposit bottles and cans, batteries, cardboard and metal for recycling. Proceeds from recycled materials are used for community amenities.

Prohibited items include: Plastic, Timber & Tyres.
Please note that disposal costs for these prohibited items are substantial and must be met by community funds.
This is a direct impost upon our community.
Persons depositing these items will be viewed as illegal dumpers and will be reported to the DCYP for prosecution.